friends forever

Not Everyone Will Like You!

My life has changed in so many ways in the last 10 years I would hardly recognize myself back then. The major changes came because I put work and love into healing my life and my body. I’ve had addictions to many things, including a gambling addiction, friends literally prying me away from machines while I screamed and cried, an eating disorder and few other ones. I was a raver and I loved to go to parties and dance and meet people. I don’t think I’m friends with anyone from that time in my life. Okay maybe one but she’s awesome (Shan).

When you change and your friends don’t there’s going to be friction. This friction can strain the relationship and at some point you have to decide if it’s really worth holding onto anymore. People will hurt you and you will hurt people, it’s part of life. Accepting that not everyone is going to like you or want to be your friend is healthy and an important part of letting go and moving onward and upward in your life. Friendships kept just because you have known each other since childhood or highschool or 10 years can’t survive simply on the idea of hours logged. All relationships take work, but how much?

Some friends are in your life for a day, a week, a month, a year, 5, 10, 50 years or more, either way releasing the ones that are harmful to your health are necessary for your spiritual growth. Cutting ties can be more painful for you than for them but if you listen to your heart and make decisions from there you can’t be wrong. Being right isn’t the point, neither is being better than someone else, that makes you a jerk, but doing what you need to do takes courage and strength.

It’s hard to really truly acknowledge your part in the dissolution of friendships but if you grow and heal and the other person doesn’t how much effort and time can you spare to helping them? Every one of us is responsible for our own shit and for most of us that’s more than enough to deal with. When your heart is broken over and over from people in your past or in present you have to learn to let them go, wish them well and most importantly move on.

In deep gratitude for the friends I keep close to my heart, that love me and care about me.

About Mindy

Mindy Willis-Menard is an international yoga teacher who's love of yoga, nature, adventurer and life inspire her to teach. A true adventurer of the heart Mindy is also a hooper, rock climber, snowboarder, runner, foodie and cyclist. Mindy teaches classes, workshops and retreats world-wide. Every other moment she spends with her husband and dog, Mrs. Betty Rox.

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